Effective home remedies for treating acne

Have you ever woken up on an important day to discover that you are having a bad skin day? Suddenly, your acne has started acting up. No one likes pimples and that too on days where you wish to look presentable.

The good news is various effective home remedies will help you in treating your acne. Here are some of the best home remedies available.

Use apple cider vinegar

Rather than opting for expensive medications, try applying apple cider vinegar to the affected areas. This vinegar, like many others, helps in fighting various types of viruses and bacteria. Since bacteria are considered to be a cause of acne, applying cider vinegar helps in combatting them. It has also been observed that apple cider vinegar is equipped with succinic acid. This acid helps in suppressing any inflammation that is present in acne while also preventing the onset of scars.

Also, apple cider vinegar has lactic acid. When applied to areas that exhibit previous acne scars, this element helps in reducing the scars. Even if you don’t have acne yet, applying the vinegar helps in drying off excess sebum on the face. This sebum is known to make skin prone to acne in the first place.

Follow these steps to make a concoction:

  • Add three parts water to one part apple cider vinegar and mix thoroughly (proper dilution is required to prevent the vinegar from initiating the skin)
  • Cleanse your skin and then use a cotton ball to apply the mixture to your skin
  • Let it sit for about 20 seconds before rinsing with water and drying
  • Repeat it twice daily unless the required results are achieved

Make a Cinnamon and Honey Mask

Among the various home remedies for acne, a cinnamon and honey mask is considered to be highly effective. This is because both cinnamon and honey are known for being packed with antioxidants. When you apply antioxidant to acne prone skin, it helps in preventing breakout and eliminating present pimples.

Moreover, both the ingredients help in reducing inflammation and fighting off bacteria. By treating the leading factors of acne, the ingredients play an integral role in achieving clear, smooth skin.

To make such a mask, you should:

  • Mix one teaspoon of cinnamon with two tablespoons of honey. Mix until a paste-like consistency is reached.
  • Cleanse your skin and apply the paste and let it sit for 15 minutes.
  • Rinse and dry your face.

Apply Tea Tree Oil on spots

This essential oil is well-known for its ability to fight bacteria and reduce inflammation. There have been various studies that have proved that applying tea tree oil on acne affected areas helps in reducing breakouts and scarring. It is essential to dilute the oil before application since it is very reactive.

To use it:

  • Dilute one part of tree oil with nine parts water and mix well
  • Use a cotton ball to apply the mixture only to the affected areas
  • If you feel that the area is getting too dry, apply moisturizer after a while


Use these home remedies to treat your acne. Achieve great skin.

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